Archive for July, 2013

A Frustrating Start to Novel # 7

July 3, 2013

    I have the first 20 chapters outlined.  I’ve done a lot of research.   I’ve visited the actual place where my first murder takes place — Aspen Vista in Santa Fe. I interviewed the Commandant of the New Mexico Military Institue as one of the characters in my next novel is a cadet at NMMI whose mother is murdered. I’ve even written the first two chapters. And I’ve worked on this novel not at all for the past four weeks.  I’ve been editing and proofing novels #6 and 4.  Getting them ready for re-release by my publisher.  I’ve also been reading Chicago Manual of Style, which has a lot of good information, but what it’s done is convince me more about my style — that I’d rather communicate clearly than get an A+ in grammar.  I’ve also spent time trying to figure out what I need to do to promote sales of all my books. And what I’ve learned is that when I’m not creating a new novel, I’m frustrated.  All the other work is, of course, important.  The editing and proofing — darn I’m tired of reading and re-reading my stuff. And I have also come to the realization that I will have to spend several hours every week marketing and promoting.   But it’s the creating that makes me most happy. So if I’ve snapped at anyone the past four weeks I’m sorry. If I’ve not been my usual cheerful self, I hope you’ll understand.  I think I’ll be through with proofing by the end of next week, and I’ll be much better.  If I can spend just two hours a day writing the new novel, then I won’t mind doing the other work.  I’ll even be content to add new posts to my blog, something I’ve not done as consistently as I plan to do in the future. So another week, and back into novel #7 and relative bliss.